Meet Me

        I thought I should start by introducing myself and my family so you know who you're messing with. I'm Rachel Gullett and I'm addicted to babywearing... well, more like being addicted to having my daughter cuddled up against me, and that seems to be her prerogative as well. I'll go ahead and say that I AM NOT one of those blogging moms who would rather go grab the camera than pull her child off of the top tier cabinets, or the type who ignores her baby's cry to finish queueing up a blog post. However, I AM one of those moms who avidly cloth diapers (gDiapers at the moment), valiantly attempted breast feeding and now confidently formula feeds, and above all else I am a babywearing momma (We use a Moby that I got as a baby shower gift)! My husband, three month-old daughter Lily, and I currently reside in Denver, Colorado after a recent move from Nashville, Tennessee (my hometown) for my husband's new career. I am a stay at home mom at the moment, after working up until a week before Lily was born, and I truly enjoy the time that it has given me with my daughter and also to pursue my writing fixation. My highest hope is that this blog will encourage the conversation on babywearing and natural parenting around the world and also support those who have lead me to make the same choices for my baby.